I know not many will read this but that is okay. These words are mostly between my Heavenly Father and myself and a few followers. Thank you again for your support! I love to read all your words in your blogs I find so very encouraging in my walk in Christ.
As I have mentioned before I feel God's calling in my heart and have yet to figure what it is. As surely as the grays in my hair I find at times, teehee, that voice in my heart has brought me to my knees in prayer, all with tears and thanksgiving. I am overwhelmed God is pulling me and yet I feel so honored for his stamp in my life to feel I could make a difference. I prayed for His way, not mine, His path, not mine and mostly how to get there..........
One day about a month ago I was listening to my Christian radio station in my car, I heard a segment from Proverbs 31 Ministries and loved it. I wrote down the website at the stop light girls, hold on! When I got home I logged on and was changed. I have read Proverbs 31 before and was like wow what a blessed woman, how could I be like her?
Through the Proverbs 31 Ministries website you can find many women with websites/blogs that just magnify what the ministry is all about. I have started to read the Bible everyday instead of just once in a while, and I pray more. I grew up not going to church, believed in God, didn't know God intimately and sadly never saw my parents read from the Bible. I didn't start attending church or read a bible until I had married my wonderful husband Tom. It changed my life, wow I couldn't get enough! Fast forward 16 years later and I attended an Extraordinary Women conference last October. I felt the tickle of God then because I was in awe the impact these women had on thousands of women every day! The question: Could I do that? Could I be used by God as well? Now here I sit today, God has put these experiences in my life, he has dialed in and I am answering. I was scared, did I have enough life experience? What could I offer?
I attended my first online conference at A Woman Inspired last week. I was so encouraged by the message those 20 speakers said. You should see my notes!!! I highly recommend attending one of them to be uplifted and encouraged as well! I now walk with a heart of reflection of Christ. This bag I carry around is filled with sunshine that pours out through all the holes to others because I just can't keep it in.
I tell you right now I have asked God to put in my life what I need, and I trust him. I love to give, I love to serve my God because it feels so good. Being a sensitive gal, I can cry at the little tugs at the heart, you know those instances girls!! I have been crocheting prayer shawls, I just love it. Our church has a chapter and those ladies are so fun and I find their spirit of giving magnifying! I feel this tug makes me so happy, my heart sings at the thought of helping others see God, feel his Holy Spirit change them. So when I look back on the last six months, I think "God, wow you were there, guiding ME, your daughter, on a journey she didn't even know she was on till now. I am so drawn to ministry for women, it captivates me because it is making a difference, it is taking the "me" out of this world and putting GOD there. How wonderful! I read about the She Speaks Conference , and thought wow another call, nudge, a tickle from God so to speak. Well I was captivated by their mission: To help women like myself discover their calling, how to figure it all out and encourage, inspire, and lead you in the direction you need to go with great learning tools through the word of God. Wow, sign me up!!!! Can you hear the brakes????? I did! Negative thought: "It is too far away, what are you going to do with your girls?", "How can you afford to go?", " You may have a calling from God, but is it really big enough, or are you important enough to go?" So many of Satan's lies entered in my mind, so I prayed some more. Yesterdays reading from my bible was:
Psalm 37:1-6
Trust in the Lord and do good,
dwell in the land and enjoy safe
Delight yourself in the Lord
and he will give you the desires of
your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him and he will do this:
He will make your righteousness shine
like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the
noonday sun.
I wept, because it was God wrapping me in His arms and letting me know to trust HIM, let HIM, and let HIS desires be my desires and he will bless them, he will pave the way. He will in time let me know what it is he wants this "God's girl Angie" to do for HIM and it will shine like the dawn. Ladies, I asked the words to come out through my heart today. I pray they make a difference to someone out there.
The big reason for this post today is because Lysa Terkeurst from Proverbs 31 Ministry is hosting a give away for a She Speaks Conference Scholarship. Wow another tickle from God! Yes, my first thought was, "How in the world are they going to pick me out of all those women screaming, "pick me, pick me"? Well again it is a prayer my ladies, if it is God's will, then He will provide a way. I truly trust that as I knock down Satan's lies that enter my head. God will reign in my life and so will his mission for my life. If it is not this year, then God will provide for another. I truly cannot afford to go so I prayerfully ask the judges who read this to hear my heart. I know God will provide the means to pay for travel expenses if blessed with the scholarship.
For those of you out there that have a tickle in your heart, you hear the Lord calling please consider going to this conference. It is held in Concord, North Carolina July 30 - August 1. Prayerfully consider how it will change your life as a woman of Christ. Trust HIM as your navigator, I know I am so amazed by the power His word has had in my life and the people He has put there.
Pull for me, teehee, I mean pray for me that I may be blessed with this scholarship. It is so hard to be selfish with this request, but I know that is ultimately for the Glory of God and how much more could I ask for?
I didn't believe simple women like myself could have a calling, big or small, now I know God made us all disciples for HIM. What part can you be for the body of Christ?
Blessings to all!
Good luck, Angie! I know this is an amazing opportunity.....I would jump up and down for a chance to attend.
ReplyDeleteYou're right....God does little things everyday to get our attention to move us out of our comfort zone.
I loved last weeks AWI conference too. I listened in from work...so I missed parts of it.
They rocked!
Hi Angie,
ReplyDeleteThis was such a great post...I could really feel your heart. My daughter and I did a great study this year, a book by Dannah Gresh. She talks about what fills you up...and it sounds like your prayer shawls do that. I think that is a wonderful ministry. If you want the name of the book let me know. It was life changing for me...this 47 year old Christian who has always wondered besides being a wife and mom what God wants me to do.
You have inspired me!
God bless,
Joyce Marie
Hello there,
ReplyDeleteI should have just given you the title all along...I read a lot of books at the same time too. LOL...the author again is Dannah Gresh and the name of the book is...
Five Little Questions That Reveal the Life God Designed for You Study Journal
I seem to always go back to what I learned from this study...it was just that good.
Have a blessed Sunday!
Joyce Marie
Wow! It looks like God has some amazing plans for you! I can't wait to see what it is!!!
ReplyDeleteA Woman Inspired conferences are amazing! I already have my ticket for the marriage conference coming up! I can't wait!
Beautiful post. It is so hard to let go and trust God, but I'm working on it!